Friday, August 26, 2011

The Left Loves RINOs, You Should Not

I’m tired of the media picking GOP candidates. Michele Bachmann is too radical. Rick Perry has a sharp tongue. Rick Santorum is anti-science. Newt Gingerich is too crotchety. Sarah Palin is too stupid. Herman Cain is too much like a preacher. Our field is too weak and our candidates are too narrow-minded.

We are told Democrats would love for any one of these wacky conservatives to win the nomination because it would be clear sailing for President Obama. Never mind the paradox that if these candidates really had such serious character flaws there would be no need to keep pointing them out to everyone since they couldn’t possibly win in the first place. Or could they?

This is where our liberal charade begins. A quest to develop whatever narrative is most likely to steer the public toward their particular candidate. In order to clear the field, liberals must lift up those GOP contenders most likely to keep their entitlement agenda intact. Call it a win-win for the Democratic Party. If the RINO (Republican-in-name-only) wins the presidency, much of the previously laid Democratic legislative agenda stays intact. If the Democrat wins, it continues unabated. Either way, liberal policies become so entrenched over time there is no way to undue them. The great trap is sprung.

Enter John Huntsman and Mitt Romney. They are the moderate, fair-minded republicans who will work with Democrats. They are the really intelligent candidates most likely to appeal to a broad cross-section of Americans. President Obama’s campaign staff is most afraid of his re-election chances should either of them win. Heard any of these straw man statements recently? Why is it, right now, these two men are the sane Republicans while the rest of the field is so out-of-touch? It is because Huntsman and Romney are the most liberal of the pack.

Romney was governor of a very liberal blue state and was elected by flip-flopping on a bunch of social and some economic issues. Huntsman is a big global warming advocate as shown by his favoring of cap and tax. He also threw his support to the terribly pork-laden stimulus plan, and has no problem forcing people to buy health insurance even if they don’t want it. These guys almost make Obama blush.

What unnerves me about this agenda is how affective it really is. Our media hands us defeat and we run with it. Palin, Bachmann, Gingerich, Santorum, and other conservatives are not the crazies NBC wants them to be. Palin knows high oil prices are brought down by increasing supply not building wind mills. Bachmann understands the key to illegal immigration is actually securing the border not perpetually leaving it open. Gingerich understands you increase government revenue by finding more taxpayers not beating up on the ones you already have. Santorum knows you cut back spending during difficult times instead of doubling down on it. These are some very bright individuals, and conservatives should not be disappointed they represent us.

Don’t let liberal media elites pick our candidates. Get behind your favorite conservative and talk up their common sense solutions in the arena of public ideas. Our crumbling republic desperately needs another Ronald Reagan. Remember he was an idiot too.

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