America is drunk with gluttony. In my opinion, we've nearly completed the civilization "life cycle." We've gone the way of many prosperous nations before us. Nothing is good enough for us. The next car, boat, yacht, or home are never good enough. The more things we have, the less happy we are, so we must find bigger things to take their place. When that isn't enough, we just steal from folks. We are a people largely free from persecution and largely independent with no need for others. We certainly don't need God. We are too smart for God. We have God figured out. If he doesn't do things the way we expect him to, then he must not exist. After all, we can't see him, so he doesn't exist. Of course, I couldn't see the wind from hurricane Ike last night, but the dilapidated tree in my yard sure knew the wind was there. Everything can be proven by science. If it can't be explained by science, then it must be false.
Sound familiar to anyone? The Greeks maybe? How about the Romans, Persians, and Egyptians? They all succumbed to flat out greed. They watched their civilizations fall in stature under the weight of narcissism, hedonism, and open disobedience to God. They all were downgraded in importance at the time and choosing of an omnipotent God who allows disobedience for a season but not permanently.
Seems a lot like America 2008. Babies are murdered so a woman has a "choice." The caribou and whales are celebrated, but our older generation mothers and fathers made to feel unwanted. Save the ants but ignore your neighbor in pain down the street. Rampant sex everywhere. Deviant sex everywhere. More marriages ending in divorce than ever before. Petty theft becoming common and not really considered that big of a deal anymore. People protesting the death penalty for criminals but condoning partial birth abortion for the innocent. The environment almost worshipped like it is a God. Good being called evil and evil good. These are the times when persecution comes knocking.
There are many fine folks left in our country. We are still the most generous people on the planet. Over $300 billion in GIVING last year alone. We still have some members of the WW II generation with us. They remember the danger and suffering caused by evil left unchecked. But, alas, we have a new generation that largely has everything. They don't seem to need anything. We're becoming more and more isolationist. If we bury our heads in the sand far enough, nothing can happen to us. When this happens there is almost nothing that wakes us from the slumber except persecution. It is only then that we begin to realize we need God. We need each other. The things we once thought to be so important are now trivial. I pray it is not to late for us. I pray we take stock in the things which are actually important before they are taken from us and we are left with nothing. A nation with such riches can give abundantly and be trusted with more wealth, or they can be greedy and have it all taken away. Which path will your decisions take us towards?
Sound familiar to anyone? The Greeks maybe? How about the Romans, Persians, and Egyptians? They all succumbed to flat out greed. They watched their civilizations fall in stature under the weight of narcissism, hedonism, and open disobedience to God. They all were downgraded in importance at the time and choosing of an omnipotent God who allows disobedience for a season but not permanently.
Seems a lot like America 2008. Babies are murdered so a woman has a "choice." The caribou and whales are celebrated, but our older generation mothers and fathers made to feel unwanted. Save the ants but ignore your neighbor in pain down the street. Rampant sex everywhere. Deviant sex everywhere. More marriages ending in divorce than ever before. Petty theft becoming common and not really considered that big of a deal anymore. People protesting the death penalty for criminals but condoning partial birth abortion for the innocent. The environment almost worshipped like it is a God. Good being called evil and evil good. These are the times when persecution comes knocking.
There are many fine folks left in our country. We are still the most generous people on the planet. Over $300 billion in GIVING last year alone. We still have some members of the WW II generation with us. They remember the danger and suffering caused by evil left unchecked. But, alas, we have a new generation that largely has everything. They don't seem to need anything. We're becoming more and more isolationist. If we bury our heads in the sand far enough, nothing can happen to us. When this happens there is almost nothing that wakes us from the slumber except persecution. It is only then that we begin to realize we need God. We need each other. The things we once thought to be so important are now trivial. I pray it is not to late for us. I pray we take stock in the things which are actually important before they are taken from us and we are left with nothing. A nation with such riches can give abundantly and be trusted with more wealth, or they can be greedy and have it all taken away. Which path will your decisions take us towards?
If you agree with this, pass along the comments in an email to someone. I don't care who takes credit for the sentiments, but maybe folks will wake up while we still have a chance. God Bless the U.S.A.