Friday, October 3, 2008

VP Debate winner?

Conventional wisdom around conservative airwaves concludes Sarah Palin was wonderful last night. The base appears mostly ecstatic over her performance. Many pundits said she spoke in language everyday folks appreciated and was definitely the winner based on likability. Most admit she appeared nervous (especially at first) and did not give the breadth and depth of answers Joe Biden did, but it does not matter because of her "wow" factor. "Say it ain't so, Joe" seems to be popular today along with "she held her own" and "she did well for only being five weeks into things."

Today's water cooler conversations with some male colleagues of mine were not as favorable to Palin. We all agree Palin is intelligent and has done a lot for Alaska. She threw in some good one liners last night but outside of energy policy, she didn't talk many details. Liberals (with big time help from the media) created a debate climate where fact spewing Biden appeared knowledgeable just by reciting endless statistics- many of which were untrue. Where Palin failed, in my view, was not being able to go two and three answers deep on a topic. On almost everything Palin threw Biden's way, he had an immediate answer back (albeit answers filled with half-truths), and then back again. After her first response, answers seemed shallow and responses sometimes convoluted.

Barring something unforeseen, this election comes down to economics. The media, as usual have shaped the debate into the haves and have-nots. In order to win, we have to speak clearly on the folly of liberal economic policies. What did I want Palin to say last night? Try these on for size.

*How can 95% of folks get a tax cut when, depending on the year cited, 30%-48% of all individual taxpayers owe no tax in a given year?

*When the bottom 50% of taxpayers' tax receipts are 2.9% of the total, how much more do you want the upper 50% to pay?

*When the top 10% pay 70% of the taxes, how is the Bush/McCain administrations giving tax cuts for the rich? The rich are the ones paying the taxes now.

*When Barack Obama says we need to build the economy from the bottom up, how does this work when the folks with money are the ones creating the jobs?

*If universal health care is so dandy, why do people from countries such as Canada still come to the US for the really serious surgeries they need performed?

*Mr. Biden, how do you explain the Democrats denial of problems with Fannie & Freddie back in 2005 when Republicans like John McCain were warning about big problems? Wouldn't this make Democrats more culpable then Republicans for at least not doing anything about this mess before it was too late?

*Please explain if tax cuts are so damaging to our economy why they generate increasing revenue every time they are enacted?

*Companies would stop trying to evade the US tax code, as you cite so often, if our tax rate wasn't the third highest in the industrialized world. Drop the tax rate and see a jobs boom.

Finally, how about a foreign policy diddy: *Mr. Biden, what is the first thing you would say to the leaders of Iran when you sat down to discuss their hatred for Israel and America?

If Palin would've challenged Mr. Biden on these topics, she would've wowed those who loved her big smile and also wowed those of us looking for a beating on substance. Instead the politics of class envy appear to doom us to at least four years of patriotic tax increases, big government spending, and a further shift towards European elitism.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Sarah Palin vs. Joe Biden

Is anyone else looking forward to Thursday night's debate between Palin and Biden? Would anyone else like to see Palin take a swing at him? Just one big swing. I know I shouldn't feel this way, but I'm just so frustrated by the media bashing in her direction. It is one thing to thoroughly scrutinize a candidate, it is another to scrutinize one candidate and give the other a free pass. Feminists are upset over Palin pursuing a career while having a family, but they don't mind Barack Obama associating with a known terrorist (Bill Ayers) or a bigoted pastor (Rev. Wright). Sickening, isn't it??

Liberals can hardly wait for Sarah to make some 'critical' mistake proving she is stupid and inexperienced. Of course the definition of 'critical' is in the eye of the beholder. Not knowing every piece of legislation John McCain supported the last 30 years doesn't count as something a stupid person would do. Our media wants to turn this into the whole Dan Quayle 'potatoe' incident all over again. Whenever liberals attack conservatives it is on the basis of our supposed stupidity. We couldn't possibly vote for George Bush unless we are dumbos. Never mind that SNL hasn't done a Joe Biden "FDR was president in 1929 and he spoke on television" skit.

Conservatives are awaiting a pick-me-up after a very lackluster 1st debate from John McCain. I was a bit disappointed. I expected McCain to pick apart Barack's lies with force. He did stand up to Obama, but I think he let him get away with too many unfounded statements without showing the silliness of his arguments.

We are desperately hoping Palin will stand up to Mr. Biden the way she stood up to corrupt Republican and Democratic legislators in Alaska. I don't want Sarah to be argumentative with Joe Biden, but I want her to expose the lies when they spew out of his mouth. I want her to speak with forcefulness but not go into Ann Coulter territory. No pandering to the hate speech of the left. I want to see Sarah's faith in action. The faith Sarah speaks of guiding her daily decisions. If the public sees this, I think we still have a chance to pull out the election. Authenticity is still appreciated in our country. In fact, I think we are clamoring for just one politician to practice 'no spin' communication.

I'm aware of the conventional wisdom that nobody votes for President based on the VP pick. Personally, I think this is the one election where a good showing by Sarah Palin could turn the theory on its head. Conservatives like me are aching for a reason to vote McCain. Preventing socialist Obama from becoming President is important, but having someone representing us who shares most of our views is what generates excitement.

Which Palin will show up Thursday night? I hope the spunky Palin shows up instead of the defensive one. It will be a long eight years if she plays it safe Thursday night.

Monday, September 29, 2008

A Republic Straying From God

When citizens of a nation no longer understand their rights come from God, it will eventually decline. It is always said we are a government of the people, by the people, for the people. But what happens when the people are corrupt? What happens when selfishness and greed are more of a priority than the common good? Sadly, we remain largely drunk on our selfish ambition. We remain on the road to ruin. A road filled with folks gorged on the good life and worried about looking out for themselves. When we wake up and realize that God comes first and our rights second, then we will have reason to hope things will turn around. Just take a quick look at where we are.

How do you feel about your finances today? A 9% drop in the market today shed one TRILLION dollars of wealth in the span of six ½ hours. Huge institutions like Bear Stearns, AIG, Wachovia, Washington Mutual, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and Lehman Brothers all gone in the blink of an eye. Crooked CEO’s of failed companies getting paid ridiculous buyouts for FAILING. Loans granted to individuals who clearly couldn’t pay by people hoping to cash out before the scam was discovered. People who were lying on mortgage applications to obtain some of those loans.

How do you feel about your government? Leaders from both parties involved in adultery and scandal. Democratic leaders clearly hoping our military fails for political gain. Crooked politicians wasting billions of dollars a year in tax revenue for earmarks to buy their re-elections. Vicious rhetoric from the Speaker of the House who went on a five minute tirade today about the Bush administration’s policies being the reason for people’s failed mortgages minutes before putting a bill up to steady our financial course. Joe Biden saying FDR spoke on television in 1929 when FDR wasn’t president and television wasn’t invented yet. Hillary Clinton saying she dodged bullets on an overseas trip when nobody was shooting at her. Barack Obama continuing to say the surge in Iraq hasn’t been successful. The news media not questioning any of these people about the lies they just spoke.

How do you feel about our culture? The public seems to increasingly accept the gay lifestyle. Our dialog is littered with obscenities. Our rhetoric, often times, filled with hatred and malice towards others. Pornography continues to be on the rise. Child molesters are popping up everywhere. Marriages are failing in record numbers. Our prisons are jammed. Our public schools continue to fail even with record spending. Our elections tainted by voter fraud allegations. Dishonest business practices are becoming increasingly the norm.

We don’t deserve God’s mercy but I hope he grants it. Otherwise, we all could be in serious trouble.