Saturday, January 31, 2009

America, The Last Great Hope

Pardon me for stealing a blog title from Bill Bennett's recent book accentuating the positive about our nation's history.

Bill, if you are reading this, please mention my blog on your radio show!!

I've been feeling so negative about all the hypocrisy I've noticed since January 20th, it seemed a good idea to put everything in proper perspective. Positive thinking sounds really good right now.

Despite all our shortcomings, the United States is still the greatest place for opportunity on the planet. Even though liberals continue fighting to "change" our culture, the same culture rising to international prominence, concepts like hard work and pride in country are still alive and well here. Most Americans believe we are basically a good and noble people (assuming we leave out school textbook writers, college professors, and Hollywood stars). Most Americans are very charitable and long for a simpler time when family values were lifted up while selfishness and pride were discourage not embraced.

It's easy for many Americans, like myself, to be upset by the government snowball picking up speed from Washington D.C. We are all worried about the erosion of individual rights in our society. So it is in this vein I ask you to take a few moments and dwell on all the good (and noble) events taking place in our land right now. You'll feel better about yourself, your neighbors, and your country.

*Our health care system continues to be the best, albeit most expensive, in the world. If you are overseas and have a serious surgery need, there is a good chance you are trying to figure out how to visit a US surgeon.

*This past year almost eight million shoe boxes containing gifts for kids who have nothing were put together almost exclusively by American citizens and sent to areas almost exclusively outside our borders.

*I've mentioned it before, but it is so staggering I love repeating it. Americans and American business gave over $300 billion in charitable contributions last year.

*Where else can the definition of a country's economy being near the "Great Depression" be akin to meaning citizens have to downsize and own only one computer instead of two or two televisions instead of four?

*Where else can the lowest 50% of incoming producing citizens pay just 3% of the total income tax bill, while the top 10% pay over 70 % of the tax bill, yet the country's income producers still find a way to make goods and services greater than the next four nations combined?

*I can write a blog criticizing the government and, unlike China, I won't be jailed or killed.

*Burning crosses in black America less than 50 years ago gives rise to a black American president today.

*We had a woman candidate for Vice President in 2008, while in many countries women are asked to hide their faces or never leave the home.

*A mortgage meltdown is defined as 96% of home owners paying on time instead of 98%.

*A housing crisis is defined as 2 years of falling home prices after 28, yes 28 straight years of rising prices.

Hopefully this list has encouraged you in a small way to remember America still stands as a beacon of light in a world of terrible devastation, hatred, and terrorism. The list above is really endless. We, in many cases, are a fair and noble people. Stand strong and proud to be an American where at least you are free. I'm not sure for how much longer we will be but that's a blog for another day.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Economic Stimulus You Say?

It's true the sky IS falling. Our House of Representatives voted today to spend $800 billion dollars on stimulus. Including interest on this debt over the next 10 years we are talking about $1.2 trillion dollars. President Obama claims this is going to net us four million jobs. Quick math on this shows it is going to cost us $300,000 to generate, assuming the stimulus actually works, each job. Why on earth would we spend $300,000 to create a job paying probably $30,000-$40,000 a year?? How come nobody is doing this math?

This is the same fuzzy math our media overlooked when Barack was pining on about health care for everyone, while lowering premiums, during the debates.

Only ten democrats voted against this insanity today. Why do I call it insanity? Try a few of these "stimulus" tidbits on for size.

*$2.4 billion dollars for global warming research.
*$150 million dollars to the Smithsonian.
*$650 million for digital converter cable boxes.
*$21 million for new sod for the national mall in Washington.
*$335 million for STD prevention.
*$316 million for school modernization.
*$1.3 billion for states aid.

This is just the tip of the iceberg. None of these things have anything to do with economic stimulus. In fact, almost the entire bill has nothing to do with stimulus. It is all a big social engineering scam. Democrats are, as Rham Emanuel said recently, 'taking advantage of every crisis.' This is nothing more than the biggest pork barrel spending bill in the world's history with most of the dollars going to create even more welfare addicts than we already have. Only $20 billion (2.5%) goes to tax cuts for small business while half the package goes to infrastructure spending. So we are going to create a bunch of government jobs where huge amounts of people are beholden to Uncle Sam for a check. When the infrastructure projects are done, do we automatically lose the four million jobs since they won't have anything left to do?

There is little in this bill to help the private sector create jobs. In fact, most of the spending doesn't even occur until 2010-2012 which is not going to "stimulate" anything this year.

Don't be fooled. Please contact your local House of Representatives member immediately as the House will be voting on this Thursday, January 29th. You can find these out by going to (click on write your representative in the upper left hand corner) or calling the House switchboard at 202-224-2131.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Obama apologizes

Forget the first 100 days determining the direction of the presidency. How about just one week? In seven days we have additional rights for women wanting to kill their inconvenient unborn babies as Barack called them during the debates, more rights for terrorists, a new Treasury secretary who doesn't pay taxes, and now we are apologizing to the terrorists overseas.

That's right, Barack Obama apologized today on middle eastern television by saying the USA dictates to the world what happens and we need to listen more. Saying this on middle eastern television sends the message they are right and we are wrong. We are the big bullies. Oh, he didn't use the word bully, but what else does it mean that we dictate things too often?? The only world issue we've dictated anything about in these past seven years is being on the offensive against those folks wanting to kill us. Yet, Barack says we are going to dialog with them.

Why we would want to listen to people who deny the holocaust ever happened is absurd to me! Ronald Reagan just chucked his "tear down this wall" speech into the nearest heavenly trash bin. I'm so happy the extremists can now feel justified in their hatred of all that is America and Israel. It's our fault. We deserve it. Barack agrees America is a bully. Talk about creating and emboldening terrorists. This will go farther than George Bush ever did in creating more people wanting to kill us.

What we actually did was liberate 50 million people, in two countries, from their religious brothers who were oppressing them. Where the heck is the ACLU to praise Mr. Bush for getting in the way of religious extremists? They complain about evangelicals every day here. It appears religious zealotry leading to suicide bombings is kosher, but Christians wanting to save babies from butchers is extreme. Feel free to disagree over the Iraq strategy employed by Bush, but we are not the bad guys in this conflict. Last time I looked the Israelites had to go into Gaza again after Palestinians broke their cease fire promise for the billionth time and started pelting innocent citizens with rockets. These are the people who hide behind civilians not us! These are the people who create chaos wherever they live not us!

How do you 'listen' to folks who get rich off our energy dollars and funnel the money to terrorist organizations fighting proxy wars? How do you listen to people whose answer to the human condition is killing everyone disagreeing with them? Being nice isn't going to make these people go away. Turning the other cheek sounds great, but it doesn't work. It didn't work in the 1940's and it won't work now.

Quit apologizing for us President Obama. I'm proud of our country for standing tall these past 100 years against the forces of evil and hatred. Somebody has to do it and it certainly won't be you.