Saturday, January 24, 2009

A Note to Uncle Sam

Have you filled out your 2008 tax forms yet? For those of you who habitually end up owing money at year's end, the Obama administration's new Treasury secretary could save you some bucks. How you might ask? What can he possibly do for my 2008 taxes? 2008 is over. Retroactive tax cuts? Nope. If you owe tax, Timothy Geithner certainly won't be advocating a cut for you because those breaks are largely going to the folks who already don't pay any income tax.

No, this idea of mine will take some writing skills on your part, but thanks to the hypocrisy of our media, our president, and our congressmen of both party stripes, I think you might have an opportunity to put your tax dollars to good use. In fact, I've included a note below you can mail with your return.

You see it appears Mr. Geithner is the only person in the country capable of running Treasury. This man is in demand. He is indispensable. After all, it was his genius combined with Hank Paulson's in crafting the $700 billion bank bailout rescue package. You remember the bailout money designed to buy toxic bank assets that ended up being used by the government to OWN the banks instead.

The liberal media who previously questioned why we should listen to Joe the Plumber and his 'spread the wealth' question because of his $1,200 back tax bill now seem unfazed by the $35,000 skipped tax bill of Mr. Geithner. It is just a minor mistake for someone to have their check grossed up to pay the tax and then keep the money. It is just a minor issue and no big deal, cites Sen. Kent Conrad, D-N.D. "These are not normal times" he says. The banking system is teetering, economic output is plummeting and unemployment is rising. A new president needs a first-class experienced economic team in place quickly, shouts USA Today.

In these "different times" I offer you this brief note to include with your 2008 tax return along with a check for ZERO dollars owed. Enjoy.

Dear IRS chief, Mr. Geithner:

Congratulations on your appointment. I was relieved to hear your disdain for paying taxes equals mine. In the past I've always begrudgingly paid what was owed thinking it right to do but these are not normal times. These are the worst times since the Great Depression and I need the money more than the government does. I have a family to take care of and they need a house to live in plus food to eat. Since you didn't feel like paying taxes, I don't either. I would appreciate it if you would overlook my balance due this year. If I ever run for an important office, feel free to dial me up and I will pay it back.

**Of course, such a note would land you or I in jail. But, for Mr. Geithner, skipping out on taxes is nothing more than a minor issue.


  1. Right on. This type of selective hypocracy would land us "average joes" in jail, although I'm very tempted to try this theory.

  2. These people seem to forget that they work for us. Instead they see themselves as royalty and we are their subjects.


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