Saturday, September 6, 2008

The media's gnashing teeth

Our national news media (as represented by the most hate filled MSNBC guy shown here) and the Democratic Party are in panic mode right now. Big time panic. The "gee can we go back and put Hillary on the ticket" type panic. 37 million folks watched Sarah Palin's speech, and the latest Gallup poll yesterday has things tied 42%-42. This only five days after Obama led by around 8 points. The media's rhetoric is venomous. Their stories are shockingly petty. It's pretty fun to see angry liberals and excited Republicans again. The base has been rallied which is great even if I still can't get much satisfaction from watching and listening to McCain.

Sadly, I admit to watching CNN last night for a while. I'm told it is good to be close to your enemies, but boy does it take a toll on one's stomach. They had a focus group of eight ladies talking about Palin. The anchor went to great pains explaining women voters are leery Palin doesn't have enough experience and was chosen by McCain as a gimmick. A gimmick you say? Would this be like Joe Biden being chosen because Barack has zero foreign policy experience? Did CNN have a focus group to discuss this gimmick?? Did NBC spend 10 minutes of the nightly news exploring how it is possible Joe Biden could be Barack's VP so soon after saying he wasn't fit to be President? Shouldn't voters be informed of this?

Do you realize there has been more scrutiny of Sarah Palin in a week than Obama in the last eighteen! Our media is so concerned about Palin's time being divided between work and family. Yet, isn't this what Democratic women have been fighting for the last 30 years? How many zillion times has our liberal media opined about women being free to have careers, use day care, and be equal to men in the workplace? You know, break through the glass ceiling. What they really mean is LIBERAL women should be free to juggle career and family. Conservative women should be quiet, should stay at home in the darkness, and should stay out of politics.

That's okay because Oprah is a fair minded lady. After all, we've found out Palin has a standing invitation to come on Oprah. Well, not exactly. Oprah wants to talk with her AFTER Barack gets elected. Isn't Oprah the beacon of light for the ladies? Wouldn't you think Palin's meteoric rise would have Oprah pretty near giddy? Whoppi Goldberg should be screaming to have Mrs. Palin on The View. Oh, that's right, Palin is pro-life, pro-military, pro-USA. Now I understand their disinterest.

Do you hear the national media showing concern about Barack's association with the Rev. Wright or Barack's terrorist friend Bill Ayers? Are they concerned about his father's extreme socialistic views? Are they worried that much of his experience over the years goes back to being a community organizer? Are they fearful to elect a man who had many of his votes in the US senate cast as 'present'? Could you imagine if these were Palin's credentials? MSNBC would be shouting it 24/7. NPR and ABC would be talking about her pastor every chance they got. The NY Times would make it front page news every day.

I’m not convinced McCain is going to win, but I’m so happy the next sixty days our media will be spending more time trying to dig up dirt on Palin then talking up Obama. The more hatred they spew out, the more independents are going to sense Obama is the media’s darling with little to actually offer in the way of leadership. Isn't this fun? If you like politics and sticking it to the many hypocrites on the Left, it is great fun.

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