Friday, August 5, 2011

US Debt Debacle

All Americans need to be anxious over the long-term implications of S&P's US debt downgrade. This is a truly historic and very sad moment for our country. Our AAA rating has been in place since 1917. A rating maintained through the Great Depression and World War II. Many will try and soft pedal the downgrade but this is a potential interest rate tsunami. We now have to hope we "aren't as broke as Europe" in order to draw new money in and tamp down potential interest rate increases. The Chinese are laughing. Middle Eastern countries rejoicing. Tyrants around the world now more emboldened then ever to take down the paper tiger.

We are fast becoming impotent on the world stage. Once unthinkable, all signs point to future generations living a downwardly mobile lifestyle. I'm embarrassed for us. I'm angry. I'm ready to capitulate and throw in with the notion of a third party as the only way out.

We must stop the spending madness and do it immediately. We have few leaders willing to do so. Those who do stand up for fiscal restraint are labeled terrorists. Those who advocate entitlements for just about every ailment are hailed as compassionate. Facts are ignored at the holy grail of emotional spending. And we haven't even begun to implement the Obamacare entitlement yet. How can our Republic continue another few decades like this?

There is precious little time left to right our ship. The iceberg ahead is imminent. Many on the left have succeeded in implementing Saul Alinsky's vision to overload the system with so many handouts we simply can't continue without significant reductions in our personal freedoms. We must elect waves of fiscally constrained conservatives in 2012 (Reagan types not Bush types) or I fear the ditch will be too deep. Fellow conservatives should sit back, take a deep breath, lick your wounds, and then press harder than ever in the arena of public ideas. Now is the time to get involved. There is no more time for heads to be in the sand. Liberalism is a terrible disease that destroys everything in its path. If we don't change hearts and minds now, our Republic is in grave jeopardy.