Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Bye-Bye Keith

What wonderful news thine ears have heard. This past 10 days has been the most fun I've had since Al Gore lost Florida 8 years ago. It's like manna falling from Heaven. This is just so unexpected it seems too good to be true. It seems everyday brings better McCain poll numbers and more attacks on Sarah Palin's character. For me, today was extra special because the biggest hack on television is finally not allowed to run his mouth off during political coverage.

Mr. Hate Monger, Keith Olbermann, along with Chris Matthews have been dropped from political night coverage by MSNBC! How can this be? These are the beacons of fairness and tolerance. To me, this is a no brainer as Mr. Olbermann lost his journalistic integrity long before this. He is the only man on television I absolutely won't watch. Admittedly, Keith is a hit with the David Letterman and You Tube crowd, but the guy is just plain nasty. He distorts the truth and often mixes and matches sound bites from Fox anchors he doesn't like to make it appear they are less than honest and then passes it off as truth.

Join me in sending Keith a goodbye email at countdown@msnbc.com. Please keep it clean as we don't need to play his game.

During the Republican convention, Pat Buchanan was remarking that Sarah Palin has given the GOP base energy, and Mr. Olbermann replied, "Those reading US Weekly with the picture of her and her youngest daughter with the word `scandal' written across it won't be so happy,"

The true scandal is Mr. Olbermann still works for MSNBC.

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