Thursday, September 3, 2009

A Video Is Worth a Thousand Words

I will be pithy today and just say that recently I've been debating a few liberal friends who keep telling me how paranoid I am. Despite all the associations, the government take over of banks and car companies, and the White House's 'rat out website', we are crazy wackos to think Mr. Obama might actually try to indoctrinate children to go home and tell their parents to believe this and that.

The first two minutes of this video have some really good ideas and I wish our Hollywood friends would've consented to make such a video under the Bush administration.

But, after two minutes you start to hear some very liberal sounding ideas and at the end of the video you find out we are going to pledge allegiance to Barack Obama and to "change." In this entire video, you hear nothing about the benefits of capitalism which has taken more people out of poverty and lifted more people out of tyranny then any nation on earth. Apparently, this is not something to be celebrated.

I pledge allegiance to no man and I give up my life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness to no one. I live in a country of freedom, and I plan to keep it that way.

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